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October 25, 2024

KnowledgeIQ Alerts ensure your staff stay informed in real-time

For a contact centre to run as smoothly as possible one of the biggest priorities must be ensuring staff are kept informed of updates and changes in real-time. This can prove difficult for a contact centre where there are many departments, locations and systems, with staff working different shifts spanning day and night.

Keep your teams up-to-date with KnowledgeIQ Alerts

Deliver real-time updates at an individual, team, location or company level with KnowledgeIQ Alerts, with the added benefit of capturing insight for reporting on who has opened and acknowledged receipt of these notifications.

Let’s take a closer look at what else you can expect from KnowledgeIQ Alerts for your organisation:

  • A single source of truth: Having a central platform such as KnowledgeIQ with Alerts means users have a single and reliable source of truth. This saves significant amounts of time otherwise spent switching between systems and searching for updates.
  • Capture history of past updates: All published content within KnowledgeIQ can always be referred to even when it’s no longer published in the front end. This means if there’s ever a need to review a past alert for reasons such as an audit, Administrators can easily reference the alert no matter how long ago it was released.
  • Reduce frustration for staff: Empowering your staff with a platform such as KnowledgeIQ with Alerts gives your staff the confidence they need to best perform their role. The platform provides a personalised dashboard for each user with a specific section reserved for alerts. If an alert is higher priority, it can be made as a pop up which means it rolls up onto the screen in the bottom right corner, no matter where the user is in the system. They can also refer to past alerts at any time.
  • Provide a record of who has accessed alerts: With easy to run reporting, KnowledgeIQ informs Administrators at any time who has or hasn’t opened an alert.

Optimise your Alerts process

In addition to supporting you in all that is mentioned above, KnowledgeIQ Alerts also provides the ability to create colour coded sections and symbols based on the specific types of alerts released.

This way, when staff receive alerts they’ll be able to know by the colour and symbol, such as the red triangle in this image below, what the key reason for the alert is. Additionally, your staff will have the ability to mark alerts they feel are key to look back on as important, making it even easier for them to reference. 

KnowledgeIQ Alerts ensure your staff stay informed in real-time

Run your daily operation more smoothly and cost effectively.

Lack of consistency, feeling unengaged and uncertain as to what’s happening or changing in your organisation are common themes in contact centres. KnowledgeIQ Alerts deliver improvements in access to information and knowledge, increases efficiency, reduces confusion and provides history management (also great at audit time).

Talk to our team today about the benefits of a centralised knowledge management system and how KnowledgeIQ Alerts can deliver real advantage to your organisation.

Article written by KnowledgeIQ

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